this last weekend was packed, to say the least. thursday i got my longboard in the mail. its a 46" sector nine bomber. its perfect. i couldnt be happier with it. then, friday, we drove up to jackson for kinseys graduation. that happened saturday night in an open field on Union campus. the sun was setting over my shoulder and my girl walked across stage as the commentator called her name followed by "magna cum laude" (or however you spell latin for "im really really smart"). seriously, though, she was great. there was a huge party afterwards for this group of girls and all their friends and family. that too was awesome. there was a slide show and awards and supurlatives and kinsey just shined. shes amazing. i gave her her graduation present: a violin. shes been talking for years about how shes always wanted to learn how to play, so i bought the weasles' old one and gave it to her to start. shes excited, but not able to start on it because shes still ironing out the dozen songs she'll be playing on piano at a roommates wedding here in a few weeks. shes very talented, by the way. anyways, we went to her church and ran a few other errands on sunday, and then just took our time coming home. shes home for good now. we're going to start planning this wedding (its seven months from today) and we'll find her a job and we're going to be apartment shopping and working on the registry and planning planning planning. im excited. i think she is too. anyways, heres some picture highlights from the weekend... these are just a few stolen from facebook, as my pictures have not been developed yet (thats right... im still old school. 35mm oh yeah!).

the graduate!